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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Username & Password Pairs: Understanding the Significance of HeartBleed and How to Prevent Becoming a Victim

The Heartbleed bug allows hackers to access username and password data through a programming fault (vulnerability) on OpenSSL systems which power over 2/3 of the internet online security.  It's a huge mistake and an extremely significant problem.  If you need to understand the Heartbleed bug, see my other article:

This article discusses why this is such a big security issue and why, as well as how to prevent becoming a victim to these malicious hackers...

This post was originally posted on my WordPress blog at:

Because this bug is so bad, and the implications of its abuse so broad, so dangerous and so extremely important, I am cross-posting that blog article in many of my blogs.  Please do not hesitate to fix this issue for yourself, your family and loved ones.  Tell your friends about this problem, as well (or point them to this article).

For your convenience, that article is reprinted below:

OK, the fall-out from the 'heartbleed' bug is worse than I thought.  The problem is with how we, as humans, don't manage a ton of passwords well.  It isn't so much that we are lazy, but to avoid clutter in our mind, we re-use passwords across the internet to log-in to different websites.

But with the heartbleed vulnerability, the problem becomes worse because of our conservation of brain cells and the repeated username and password combination becomes yet another vulnerability.

You see, most people don't come-up with a unique username and password for each site they have become a member of.  Most people reuse the same username over and over so that they can be identified as themselves by friends and acquaintances across networks.  Now, that would still be OK if the password used was unique for each and every website that user logged into using that username.  But because we are trying to make things simpler we usually only use a small index of passwords from which we draw our passwords, so that we don't have to remember so many, because we know what it feels like to be locked-out.

It all has to do with username and password pairs.

So if a user logs in as "Gibraltor5" with a password of "1Ydd/R247" on a forum website that is compromised, the problem then becomes that the username and password pair are entered into a database and some malicious hacker will eventually try to use that username & password pair at other places, such as Yahoo, Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, Chase, CapitalOne, Amex, etc...

So eventually, someone will make a program that will actually try to login to all sorts of websites using "Gibraltor5" as the username and "1Ydd/R247" as the password, possibly even on a global scale.  Once more, they may not stop at one attempt.  They might wait a year or so and try again, just to check if the user had protected his accounts, but then gone back to his lazy ways.

So from now on, you have to create a unique password for every single site that you have ever accessed.

Even though Google may say that your Gmail and Google+ accounts are safe, they aren't if you have ever used the same username and password combination ever before or afterwards on any site.  You can't be sure that any certain site was or wasn't compromised.   The username and password pair could have come from a site you don't even remember joining.  So if you have a tendency, like most humans, to use the same password over and over, you have to stop that right now, go back to all the sites that you have ever been a member of, and change your password to something unique.

Now, if you are like me, you have lots of places that you frequent.  That means you will require so many passwords you won't know how to keep them all straight without writing them down.  But if you write them on plain paper, or in a little black book of passwords like I used to do, you open yourself to having them ripped off and hacked that way, by your very own hand.

The best way to do it then, is use a password program that will keep all your passwords safe and handy.  Since I don't always have my PC with me, but I try to always have my phone on me, I have to recommend Kuff's Password Safe for the Android.  It allows you to generate unique jibberish style passwords on the fly, comes with 128 or 256 bit encryption to protect your entire catalog of passwords, categorize them, and more.  The one thing is that you must remember the password you will use to access the application, because there is no back door and without that one password, you will not be able to access the application again.  The good news is that you only have one password to remember, again.

Now, to top that off, you can also get another version for Windows, so that you can update and access your password data across platforms, as well as backup your data to remote servers such as Dropbox, SkyDrive & Google Drive, or to your local Windows machine.

The developer's website for Kuffs Password Safe (Android & Windows):

If you do not have an Android based smartphone and/or tablet, or you do not expect to upgrade to an Android smartphone/tablet, or if you prefer a Macintosh supported version, you will have to shop around.  But this little utility, a password safe, to secure all of your username and password pairs and other private information, encrypt the data to protect it from malicious hacker idiots, is now an important and vital component in the life of anyone who has or had an online lifestyle (meaning anyone who ever has done anything online).   

I even keep my server details and all sorts of vital info there, I trust it that much.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Google now only does evil?

With all the fuss over how badly the NSA is data mining us (our searches, social posts, sharings, photos, videos, email and even our phone conversations are now being compiled into archives (no matter how private you have marked them), just in case the government might need to investigate us later... as long as the data doesn't trip any flags and alarm when it's sent through the filters as it is stored.

Of course,  there are all sorts of ways to trip the filters with keywords, yes... but also code words, which a terrorist might use when communicating with cells, etc. And you can believe that these code words are the normal kind that we use every day, and are surely non-threatening, designed so that they won't trip the filters and set off alarms. 

Of course, the government spies on all this crap and some is found - out one way or another and then what will happen?  Americans rounded - up for mentioning that they bought a new 'stove'?

And of course, Google is so closely tied - in with homeland security that they just hand this data over.  Did you know that?  Yup, my understanding of it is, is that they share everything, private or not, as a default, with no legal request of any kind required.  They don't even have to tap your phone, they simply record it all in case they need it, later.

So, as Google cannot and will not stand against the government pressure to violate our rights to privacy, it just hands everything over.  And the NSA just keeps building facilities to store all the data it mines.

This is pure evil, started by Bush and continued by Obama, so also very bipartisan.  But Google doesn't even stand against it or protect our rights to privacy 1  bit.